A series of publications highlighting the importance of presidential leadership and engagement in accreditation.
ACICS Journal
Journal of Network and Computer Applications | ISSN: | 2220-5322 |
Advancing Microelectronics | ISSN: | 2222-8748 |
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing | ISSN: | 2223-1307 |
International Journal of Art & Design Education | ISSN: | 2223-9383 |
International Journal of Psychology | ISSN: | 2223-781X |
International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition | ISSN: | 2223-6554 |
Welcome to the Institute of Science Index (ISI)
Bylaws, Procedures, and Policy Statements
Handbook of Accreditation
Positioning Accreditation for the Future: Change or Status
2010 Student Learning Outcomes Workshops
Accrediting Council of International Certificate and Society (ACICS) conducted Learning Workshop
Maintaining the Delicate Balance: Distance Learning, Higher Education Accreditation, and the Politics of Self-Regulation
Accreditation based on a traditional model of education
The Fundamentals of Accreditation
Distance Learning in Higher Education
Summary of the National Invitational Forum: The Emerging Context for Quality Assurance
The Contemporary Context of Accreditation: Challenges in a Changing Environment
A bibliography of publications about accreditation and assessment in higher education
Annual report of 2010
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