Name |
Category |
WebSite |
Postsecondary |
Military |
Degree Granting |
Postsecondary |
High School |
Postsecondary |
American Center for Conflict Resolution Institute (See Lakewood College) |
Postsecondary |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Postsecondary |
Postsecondary |
Institution |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Military |
Postsecondary |
Degree Granting |
Ashworth College Career Diploma (Formerly Professional Career Development Institute) |
Postsecondary |
Ashworth College High School (formerly James Madison High School) |
High School |
Degree Granting |
At-Home Professions (a division of Weston Distance Learning) |
Postsecondary |
Degree Granting |
Australasian College of Health Sciences (see American College of Healthcare Sciences) |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Postsecondary |
High School |
Postsecondary |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Postsecondary |
Institution |
Institution |
High School |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
College of the Humanities and Sciences Harrison Middleton University |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Postsecondary |
Degree Granting |
European and American International Culture Education Foundation | Institution | |
Degree Granting |
Global Accrediting Professional and Practitioner License Union |
Institution |
Postsecondary |
Institution |
Degree Granting |
Institution |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Institution |
High School |
Degree Granting |
Postsecondary |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
High School |
High School |
Degree Granting |
Postsecondary |
Degree Granting |
Postsecondary |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Postsecondary |
Institute of Theology by Extension (See INSTE Bible College) |
Degree Granting |
Institution |
International Accreditation Council of Professional Training |
Institution |
High School |
Institution |
International Import-Export Institute (see Dunlap-Stone University) |
Degree Granting |
International Journal and Conference Service Organization (IJCSO,IJCSC,IJCSL) |
Institution |
International Organization of Professional Cultivation and Accreditation(IOPCA) |
Institution |
International Professional License Accreditation Council (IPLAC) |
Institution |
International Project & Quality Management Institution (IPQMI) |
Institution |
Postsecondary |
Postsecondary |
International Accreditation and Training Organization of Professional License |
Institution |
High School |
Postsecondary |
Lakewood College (formerly American Center for Conflict Resolution Institute) |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Military |
Postsecondary |
McKinley College (A Division of Weston Distance Learning, Inc.) |
Degree Granting |
High School |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Postsecondary |
Postsecondary | and |
Postsecondary |
High School |
Postsecondary |
Degree Granting |
Postsecondary |
Degree Granting |
High School |
Degree Granting |
Postsecondary |
Degree Granting |
Postsecondary |
Degree Granting |
Postsecondary |
Postsecondary |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Postsecondary |
Postsecondary |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
US Career Institute (a division of Weston Distance Learning) |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Postsecondary |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |
Degree Granting |