Accrediting Council of International Certificate and Society (ACICS) is an international association that serves the interests and needs of international certificate and accreditation institutions, boards of institutionally related foundations, CEOs, and senior-level administrators on issues related to accreditation, certificates and recognition.
ACICS is committed to citizen trusteeship of Accrediting Council. ACICS strengthens and protects this unique form of institutional governance through its research, services, and advocacy. ACICS serves individuals including:
- trustees and regents
- presidents and chancellors
- public foundation CEOs
- accreditation professionals
- senior-level administrators (officers development, management, finance, institutional research, and legal counsel)
Our Purpose
ACICS advances the practice of citizen trusteeship and helps ensure the quality and success of the interests and needs of international certificate and accreditation institutions. To do so, ACICS delivers programs and services that:
- strengthen partnerships between presidents and governing boards
- define and clarify the responsibilities of governing board members
- provide guidance to trustees, board leaders, in their governance-related roles
- encourage a level of professionalism for international certificate function
- monitor issues that affect international certificate and accreditation institutions and provide guidance for boards leaders
- foster cooperation among all stakeholders
Core Membership
ACICS's members are primarily the international institutions of accredited granting independent and public organizations, professional associations, seminaries, and theological organizations in its territories.
Member Benefits
ACICS's membership monthly reports trends, issues, and practices in international institutions of accredited to help board members and chief executives better understand their distinctive and complementary roles and to strengthen board performance. Mailed in hard copy and also online for members only.
Resource Center: The Resource Center is ACICS's physical and virtual repository for the best published research and scholarship on international certificate and accreditation. Members can search the database online or contact the librarian with requests for research.
Consulting Services: ACICS's consulting services cover a wide range of key challenges for private and public institutions as well as international certificate and accreditation. Contact us to set up an engagement, or take advantage of our complimentary consultant-on-call service, a confidential members-only service that provides you with an opportunity to discuss a pressing issue or concern with an ACICS expert during a consultation.
Benchmarking Service: Available by subscription to ACICS members only, ACICS's Benchmarking Service is an interactive online tool which allows subscribers to get comparative data in an accessible, fast, graphic form which you can use.
Conferences and Workshops: ACICS's conferences and workshops provide new and experienced board leaders with information they need to strengthen their institutions and the opportunity to network, share insight and experiences, and learn from each other.
Research and Initiatives: ACICS's research and initiatives focus on strengthening current operations and procedures and on helping to define and clarify emerging best practices.
Privacy Policy
ACICS keeps all information about member institutions and the individuals served by the association strictly confidential. The association does not sell or rent access to its members for any reason.