ACICS is a major international voice for accreditation to the public, consistently making the case for accreditation as a system of successful private sector self-regulation of accreditation organizations.

Visit the Directory to view programs and institutions accredited by ACICS. ACICS achieves its mission by using widely-held standards to foster continuous program development through a rigorous process of regular self-assessment and peer evaluation.

ACICS commit to serving our community with professional integrity. We strive to maintain open communication, transparency, accountability, confidentiality, respect, consistency, and fairness throughout the accreditation process. An ethic of care pervades the work of reviewers, commissioners, and staff.

The Accreditation Process:
Laying the Groundwork
Administrative Support
Preparing to Write
Writing the Self-Study
ACICS' Review Process
Laying the Groundwork
Administrative Support
Preparing to Write
Writing the Self-Study
ACICS' Review Process

ACICS believe in the potential of each program or institution to achieve accredited status, and we support programs and institutions in their efforts to meet the standards.