ACICS is a major international voice for accreditation to the public, consistently making the case for accreditation as a system of successful private sector self-regulation of accreditation organizations.

Accreditation is a system for recognizing institutions and professional programs for performance, integrity and quality. This recognition is extended primarily through nongovernmental, voluntary associations. These accreditors establish criteria for accreditation, arrange site visits, evaluate institutions and professional programs, and confer accreditation.

Although accreditation is basically a private, voluntary process, it is often a consideration in decision making by governmental funding agencies, scholarship commissions, foundations, employers, and potential students.

ACICS governed by a group of board of college and university presidents, institutional representatives and public members and ACICS is a primary voice for accreditation and quality assurance to the international accreditation organizations.It's focus on worldwide accreditation community to international audiences with concern on the importance of international certification, value, and practicality of audit and certification body's legitimacy.Members of ACICS must present their high standards of international legality and high academic certification quality.

ACICS accreditation does not rank accreditation institutions or their programs against each other, adversarial relationships are avoided, and an atmosphere appropriate to a community of scholars is promoted. In such an environment, research and change are fostered. Ideally, educational innovation and rational decision-making based on the assessment results should characterize accredited accreditation institutions or their programs.

We believe that our work has and continues to raise the quality of all accreditation programs and the profession.As we draw a significant number of institutions from outside our territory and from overseas, our accreditation becomes an important benefit to our members. ACICS accreditation helps potential employers and licensing boards know and trust the content of our curriculum and the skills and values our members gain. It helps them view our works with confidence and assumed competence.


Visit the Directory to view programs and institutions accredited by ACICS. ACICS achieves its mission by using widely-held standards to foster continuous program development through a rigorous process of regular self-assessment and peer evaluation.

ACICS commit to serving our community with professional integrity. We strive to maintain open communication, transparency, accountability, confidentiality, respect, consistency, and fairness throughout the accreditation process. An ethic of care pervades the work of reviewers, commissioners, and staff.

The Accreditation Process:
Laying the Groundwork
Administrative Support
Preparing to Write
Writing the Self-Study
ACICS' Review Process
ACICS believe in the potential of each program or institution to achieve accredited status, and we support programs and institutions in their efforts to meet the standards.